Monday, 4 August 2014

Natural Black-Head Remover


Lemon + Honey

§  1/2 Lemon
§  3 – 4 drops Honey
§  Rub affected area
§  Leave on for 5 mins
§  Rinse with cold water
You just need half lemon, put 3-4 drops of honey on it. Now, rub the lemon on your face for some time, make sure you emphasize on the black-head prone areas like nose, chin etc. Leave the lemon and honey mixture on your face for 5 minutes and then wash it with cold water. You will be able to see the results immediately. The lemon juice will also fade other marks and spots on the face, and the honey will moisturize.

KFC Mash Potato Recipe

1. 去菜场选购500g左右的土豆~ 清洗干净后,先不去皮,每升水加10克食盐(能入味哦~)

2. 清洗干净后,先不去皮,每升水加10克食盐(能入味哦~),中火煮20-30分钟。


3. 煮熟后,等它们冷却,再削皮、切成一片片。

4. 把土豆片放到锅里,开最小的火,一边用木铲搅拌,打成泥状。(整个过程大概4-5分钟)


5. 加牛奶(不用全加,根据个人口味决定)

6. 然后用搅拌器或打蛋器打入空气,这样会蓬松一点。

用过滤网过筛2-3次,把多余的液体排出~ 根据个人口味,你还可以适当加点盐。

7. 如果你不是马上吃的话,要保温哦~~

吃土豆泥一定要浇肉汁才好吃, 超市里有卖GRAVYMIX,加热后就淋上去!

1. 土豆泥会把牛奶吸收掉,拌匀之后土豆泥会特别滑,多加点牛奶比较好吃。
2. 不喜欢太油的,黄油可以减半。